我公司产品主要有水果罐头系列,速冻系列,板栗系列等产品。水果罐头有草莓,黄桃,白桃,山楂,鸭梨,洋梨,杏,什锦罐头等、速冻品主要有青豆,速冻玉米,板栗仁等一系列产品的深加工,其产品在国内外市场赢得了一致**。 我公司地处中国板栗之乡----河北省燕山山脉地带,盛产之板栗果形玲珑,果仁饱满,肉质细腻,香气浓厚,是上佳的绿色**保健食品。我司每年大量收购和深加工的成品板栗种类丰富,如:鲜板栗、小包装板栗仁等。 在**经济一体化的形势下,我司总裁胡晓江携全体员工真诚地欢迎国内外新老客户来参观、考察、洽谈业务! Our company has the fruit cans such as, strawberry, yellow peach, white peach, hawthorns, Yali pear, Bartlett pears, apricot, and mixed fruit cans… IQF products such as strawberry, green bean, and so on. And the productions earn good reputation in domestic and abroad. Our company is located in Hebei ..